The Week of Prayer
for Christian Unity


Prayer is the lifeblood of the ecumenical movement.
In prayer for Christian unity we join Christ in his own prayer that Christian’s would be one as he and the Father are one (Jn. 17:21).
This prayer also invites us into a conversion of our hearts to the will of God and an openness to other Christians -
“There can be no ecumenism worthy of the name without interior conversion” (Vatican II, Decree on Ecumenism no.7).

One of the seminal movements of prayer for Christian unity began in 1908 with Father Paul James Wattson and Sister Lurana White, co-founders of the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Atonement. What began as an emphasis on prayer for unity has become an international ministry called The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which takes place January 18-25th.
Materials are published in the Fall of each year and Christians are invited to take part in this ministry of prayer
using these resources and working them into their context.

This week of prayer can also act as a catalyzing event for ministry throughout the year.
With this renewed emphasis on joining in Christ’s own prayer,
how are you praying daily for Christian unity? How are you inviting your church
or parish to pray specifically for other Christian communions around your town?
How are you inviting other Christians outside your own community to pray with you for Christian unity?

For help applying the resources of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to your context, to consider other ways in which your community may pray the prayer of Christ for his followers or to share with us your own prayers please reach out to us at our connect.